А вот вырез последней модели кажется мне очень уж знакомым, хотя меня это только радует! Love it, especially the cloth as tall baltic girl deviantart as the contrast between that and the more geometric lines of the corset and figure.
Love the colours and the victorian style. I don’t think there are any such girls in real life. Love the designs, can’t even pick a favorite. The story is told by a professional boxer who was the referee of the old-style female pugilistic bout in 1970s. Two English women engaged in the bare-knuckle and bare breast fight: an unarmed combat instructor in the Air Force against a pub servant who trained her husband in boxing. I was a boxer and sometimes refereed junior bouts.
In 1972 or 1973 I was asked weeks before the fight to referee a bare fist fight between Jenny and Angela. Registered refs would not take it on because such fights are illegal and if they were caught they would loose their license. Charles was in charge and I wanted to do him a favour, so I agreed to do it. The fight took place out doors. Jenny worked in a pub that was a hangout for boxers etc. 2 min rounds or shorter by knock down, with one minute break or longer by agreement. The winner was to be the last left standing at the beginning of a round.